Each year when we remember September 11, 2001, the same thought passes through my mind. Whatever happened to the pets affected by the horrific explosions that claimed thousands of peoples’ lives? Those animals not directly hurt by the debris and smoke were lucky in one way. Someone, a family member … [Read more...]
A Life Never Lived
There are many butterfly plants in my garden. Growing wild and planted by dropped seeds from busy birds, they proliferate by the end of summer. Being the “nectar” for hundreds of Monarch caterpillars, their green leaves come and go as the hungry, crawling “to be” butterflies prepare to spin … [Read more...]
New Paws on Our Floors
Originally posted January, 2014. After an email from my friend, Pat, I ventured onto a webpage to see two adorable , little white dog faces looking back. Pink tongues peeked from their mouths, bright black eyes and scrubby fur covered their puppy bodies…in an instant, I fell in love. I placed … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas Herschell
I repeat this story every year.... On June 4, 2012 Herschell Hartzell-Curran left this earthly life and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. In case you do not know about the Rainbow Bridge, I will give you a short description. It is a place where our beloved pets journey and await a reunion with us…one … [Read more...]
This is a chapter from the book… butterflies and life… two parallels in nature. … [Read more...]