A chapter from my book, FROM WE TO ME LETTERS TO MY FRIEND, holds such poignancy for me. Therefore, I will reprint it each year around VALENTINE’S DAY. By the time February arrived in 1999, five months had passed without John. The week of Valentine’s Day, I had dinner with friends, and decorated … [Read more...]
A Christmas Story
Early this Christmas morning I approached my tiny backyard rose garden. To my delight, I found several small rosebuds seemingly ready to burst open. I thought maybe they would bloom tomorrow. All of the excitement of Christmas Day and also my son and his family coming to visit built my enthusiasm … [Read more...]
Always There
I can remember the days when cell phones did not exist. I can remember standing in line at a public phone booth waiting my turn to make a call. Stacking up my quarters and waiting in anticipation was just part of living. The importance of someone being there to answer my call was yet another … [Read more...]
The Sand Pail
Of course, many memories flood our heads and hearts of times on the beach as children. The warm water, warm sand and aroma of the ocean permeate your senses. I revisit these times in this story. I watched as the small child, a little girl about three, bent down and proudly showed a red plastic … [Read more...]
Out of The Box!
Written from the perspective of a Christmas Ornament, this is a new version of the meaning of Christmas.... As I hear the rustling of tissue paper, the release of the scotch tape and sudden light on my shiny exterior, I realize it is again…Christmas. My name is “Orney” and I am an ornament for … [Read more...]