Truly a milestone in our family’s life, the completion of the Ironman race in November 2015, gave even more meaning to my son’s life. … [Read more...]
Cookies and Milk Time
There are many times as a parent that protecting our child from the hurting world is a natural response. All of us remember the ups and downs of growing up that challenged our families. Though most days were good, enough were not good and those were the ones that taught us a lot about the … [Read more...]
Where Is Bernadine?
My mother-in-law, Bernadine, died one month ago. Because she had pre-arranged, pre-paid and organized her final wishes, the family followed directions and had her cremated. That was done within the first forty-eight hours after her death. Everyone, though sad, felt good about abiding by her plans … [Read more...]
On March 10th, my 92 year old mother-in-law, Bernadine passed away peacefully . She had suffered a short battle with cancer and now was free of pain. I wrote this story about her to be read at her Memorial. An original poem penned by Bernadine after my husband, her son, passed away in 1998 is also … [Read more...]