My life of seventy plus years has been blessed with much happiness. I believe that these blessings have shaped who I am, what I do and how far I have come in my lifetime. It is hard to pinpoint one or two, so I have made a list of the Joys that light my life. There is no order; rather I will list them as they come into my mind.
Waking up next to my husband to live another day.
My morning walk with my dogs, Emma and Anna.
When my son calls on Friday mornings to share his week with me.
Talking to my granddaughter on the phone every Saturday afternoon!
Thinking about her and what she is doing.
Popcorn and M & Ms at the movies.
Watching my favorite DVD’s : Out of Africa, Born Free, The Way We Were and Casablanca.
Lunch at Steak and Shake: sharing a milkshake with my husband Jack.
All the memories I have of my husband John and the life we had together.
Talking to my sister and my brother, sharing stories of our family.
Biting into the juicy meat found on BBQ ribs from Port Orange Steak House!
Feeling needed by my friends and family.
Writing stories and memoirs of my lifetime adventures.
Wearing jeans and a sweatshirt when it is finally cool in Florida
Celebrating Advent and Lent in preparation for Christmas and Easter.
Driving my Cadillac with the sunroof open and my satellite radio blaring.
Talking to my old friends in Illinois.
Picking roses from my garden.
Discovering a monarch caterpillar spinning its cocoon on our front porch.
Putting the bed quilt and pillows out on the patio to take on the fresh outside smells.
Watching the mother dove each spring build her nest in our hanging basket on the front porch.
Drinking a great glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve.
Taking an hour long nap in the afternoon.
Listening to the rain beat on the roof with my dogs sleeping near me and my husband dozing in his chair
Hanging wet sheets on a line and inhaling their aroma.
Walking into the front door of Barnes and Noble to breath in the fragrance of books.
Going to lunch with my friends, Connie, Nancy, Mary Jane, or Pat.
Planning a trip to a far off destination.
Experiencing a Great Mass on Sunday Morning.
Fitting into my size eight cocktail dress.
Going to the Spa for a facial and a pedicure.
Opening the Bedroom window to let fresh, crisp, cool air into the house.
Getting the notice that my Mammogram is normal.
Wearing my Beaver coat to Chicago in the winter.
Standing in a showroom of new Cadillacs inhaling the aroma of their beauty.
Folding freshly washed and dried laundry.
Sitting at our monthly Reader’s meeting sharing the joy of our latest book selection.
Receiving an envelope of pictures of my granddaughter
Going to sleep each night listening to the whole household breathing.
Originally posted December 30, 2014
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