I remember the sound of an opening door, the electric garage door going down and the click of the latch as the door closed again. Daddy was home! He was back safely in the arms of his home and his family ready to start the evening. Suddenly all the hours away melted into the twilight hours that we would spend together.
Events for the evening included dinner in the kitchen, the news on the T.V., perhaps a few phone calls from family or friends. However, probably the most important things were shared in conversation around the dinner table. Discussing the challenges of that day provoked laughter, tears, and even a dispute. The drone of conversation echoed through the room giving life to our home.
There is much comfort in having Daddy home. Words like security, happiness, protector, and friend come to mind. In addition, disciplinarian, strength, and motivator play in my memories. The role of Daddy vs. Mommy is different and that is the way it should be. The children have a role too. All of us have a part in this ongoing play called…the family.
Like many things in life, the role of Daddy might not be appreciated, until it is gone. His reassuring physical presence is no longer there… creating a hole in the family unit. Because each family member has a part in this important space, the hole is very wide and empty. Something is missing and everyone will feel its vacancy.
Time always goes on and healing can take place. But, I believe that the role of Daddy is of utmost importance to everyone. America’s present social system is missing Daddies in the home and eventually our society will pay a price. Perhaps, it already has in many communities.
I dedicate this piece of writing to my Daddy, my husband John, who served an important role as Daddy in my son’s life, to my second husband Jack who was Daddy to our beloved dogs, Herschell and Henrietta and now to my son who is Daddy to his daughter. There should be more than one Father’s Day in the year. Perhaps we should all celebrate it each day in our daily prayers. Beginning with thanks to the first Daddy, we experience in life…God, our Father, the Daddy of the universe.
Go Daddy! There is nothing like the presence of a father figure in our lives.
Great piece!